Wednesday, November 21, 2007

yesterday - (tuesday)

All hail the glorious moment!

everything is over =DD

we went to watch movie with the few of us; we, the strong silent ones that have problems controlling our laughter ;)

afterwards Constance and I went to town (santa claus is coming to town!)
and we were in awe of the whimsical lights in display at Orchard. The fake mini snow flakes were a mesmerising sight! It made me wonder about the danger of such a distraction inposed on the drivers.

It was cool.
snow that captures the mood but will not make us freeze or mould snowballs to hit at each other.
That would be the first thing i'll do. = If singapore snows i'll mould a snowball and throw it at the nearest person!
Snow fight!

Oh ya thereafter we went to the Library@Orchard.

Well its not that we are all time nerdies, its just that the depreviation of seemingly youthful and young stories of Modern Day life has not been the sort of book i have gotten the time to read all throughout the semester.

When one is deprived of something for a long while, the thing turns and churns into an object of high expensive value.

Anyway nuff said, WE love books, cant you see. ;)
When we were done it was 9, didn expect boutiques to close so early. Strange to feel ushered out of the store. This never happened in Hongkong, neither Bali, nor even Kuala Lumpur.


Please do a certain degree of reflection Takashimaya. O.O

so with our meals we trudged around and sat at a desoluted area. Almighty heaven was pouring down while we had our meals- the rain provided solace,comfort and inner peace for us stranded creatures.

the night life is certainly a sight to see.

Look at orchard when its quiet and somewhat abandoned, the array of beautiful colours seems to form a rainbow by the roads

Took a little picture with the little toy solder! he reminds me of the nutcracker story!

We left Mr Soldier and headed home, in fond knowledge that we will return to his palace anytime soon.

A very comforting thought.

And to end it off, here is the joke of the day:
scrutinize it really carefully, u'll notice it sooner or later ;DD


(P.S: and to my lit friends: Okwe!)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

haha i suddenly remembered this joke J.Q told a group of us. here goes:

"why did the chicken cross the road?"
Ans. because it wanted to get to the other side

"okayyy, so why did the chewing gum cross the road?"
Ans. because it was stuck on the chicken's feet

"on halloween day, why did the chewing gum cross the road again?"
Ans. because it was stuck on the skeleton's feet 0.0

"okay okay so why did the skeleton cross the road?"
Ans. because it wanted to get to THE BODY SHOP!!!!

Lame right? that provoked me to suddenly think of many road questions!!
All original and unique ans of mine!
if u were to recite these to pple pls buy the copyright tender from me =Pp

why did jay chou cross the road?
Ans. Because he needed to Jaywalk! (this is not so unique)

why did Angelina Jolie cross the road?
Ans. Because she thought she saw her son Grendel (beowulf) on the other side

why did F.I.R cross the road?
Ans. Because they thought they saw their friend the FIR tree

why did britney spears cross the road?
Ans. Because 'You DRIVE me Crazy'!

why did Snoopy cross the road?
Ans. Because he saw Snoop-dog his friend.

why did Harry cross the road?
Ans. Because he wanted to get to platform 3&1/4?

why did wong lee hom and edison chen cross the road?
Ans. Because they were both ABC's (americans blisfully crossing)

why did hello kitty cross the road but got into a hit-and-run accident?
Ans. Because a car came and she could not scream to warn the driver as she has no mouth!!

last of the last
why did tigger cross the road?
Ans. Because his side of the road has POO (pooh)

ya they are all cold
happy weekend everyone!

Friday, November 9, 2007

humans are meant to be alone.
is that right?
we are born alone(for most cases)
and we die alone(usually)
so does this say that we were meant to experience solitude all along?
does marriage break the holy matrimony instead of actually joining the holy matrimony when a couple get together?
I wonder.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


have u ever rushed an assignment or anything school-related stuff till the wee hours in the morning and u have still not completed it yet?
Even if it is finally completed, dont u feel that it lacks something?- or that it would not be a piece of work that would fare well in ur teacher's eyes?

because i just rushed my assignment overnight today. not that it is a big deal, i've had loads of it- back then in A levels[haaaalleeluyah!!]

its considerably better now but the assignments are still same as backthen. Same kind of anxiety.

i'm supposed to wake up at 630 if my class starts at 930. Guess what. i'm just in time. Dily daly for a while more and i'm ready for school. oh yes. no sleep needed,

its feels rather exhilarating, when ur body is in extreme high drive mode;

u have parched throat u are thirsty
ur eyes are glazed and u are just blatantly staring
u laugh at the slightest thing
u feel like jumping or dancing a pitter pattr

then all of a sudden u hit the down:

ur mouth is clamped tight
ur eyes cant open
u wanna slap the person that is laughing-whoever
u dont even want to move.

such extremes in behavior occurs when u dont sleep. As for now, i'm still in overdrive mode.

i wonder how many people do such stuff.. blog when they are in serious lack of sleep.

haha beats me.

*I just cant wait for the day to be over and i can come home to hibernate to eternity.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Came across this while studying/doing final assignment

Now from all parts the swelling kennels flow,
And bear their trophies with them as they go:
Filth of all hues and odours seem to tell
What streets they sailed from, by the sight and smell.
They, as each torrent drives, with rapid force
From Smithfield or St. Pulchre's shape their course,
And in huge confluent join at Snow Hill Ridge,
Fall from the Conduit prone to Holborn Bridge.
Sweepings from butcher's stalls, dung, guts, and blood,
Drowned puppies, stinking sprats, all drenched in mud,
Dead cats and turnip-tops come tumbling down the flood.
Guess what it is about?
u can never imagine.
its from Johnathan Swift's " A Description of a City Shower" (1710).
It was about the smelly reality of the sanitary problems in eighteenth-century britain.....
All the (human, bird, cat, dog, horse, cow, rat, pig, chicken, rabbit, and more human) shit, the gore, the "horror"! are being flushed down the roads when the beautiful City showers sprinkle the city's massive land.
Can u imagine how much shit are accumulated in whole of Britain in a day? Mayb as big a pile as Bukit Timah.
COOL SHIT. haha pun intended.
i was SO fascinated with their living conditions.
Initially i thought Mr Swift was trying to be DrAma MamA but in actual fact, it is all real and seriously stinky.
Anyway the poem was delibrately placed in such a colour to remind U of the shit and filth wahahahas..
So hey dudes and blondes, please be really thankful of the sanitary conditions WE have now. Thank you industrial revolution, intelligence and god.
Or mayb it could be that our past ancestors jus couldn tolerate the smell anymore and decided to finally DO SOMETHING.
Smart move I say.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Blog abstract.

About Me:
We are blind to have eyes. We judge when we can see.
What do you see? well i cant see myself- only if i look at my reflection. My reflection tells me likewise. It is a dual reflection of myself so even if i see myself, it wont be me.
So who is it that you see? do u see urself or is it only your reflection? Beauty can be reflected by how u portray it so. However, beauty's just skin deep. We need it, we live to categorize ourselves-it sustains our daily hypocrisies-, but that segregation lies only to reduce what we are really worth. What u see in ur reflection is what you want others to see. The eyes can only portray what is shown, not what can be hidden.
So now, what was the question again? ;)do what you deem to be truthful, seek for true believe for goodness, and venture into the unseeked. Treasure the true value of what encompasses you. i am thankful for my wonderful friends ;)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

This is what i also wrote for my HW101 class yesterday.

it was damn fun writing it. We had to use one syllable words.

The swirl specks of blue, red, green, black and white mix up on the plain piece of cloth. My brush splats in a mad rush as I try to catch what i see from my dazed mind. The state of trance brings me up to the sky and way up high; now i know i can fly. I fly far from this messed up world and reach out to my lone and safe nest. I fell safe, i feel free. Now i can be who i want with dear glee. You can peer all you want, but you will not see this side of me.
This was one of my in class assignments for HW101

Canteen B

The hot piercing sum penetrates through the tinted high windows of Canteen B.
Flies buzz lethargically in the summer heat, stealthily hunting for scraps of food vastly scattered on the neglected tables. A low disorderly collage of sounds and chattering fill the stale, humid air. The decadent state of the neglected Canteen B screamed for a need to undergo a makeover. Desperate Canteen B wants to be renovated.

As she lay in a state of despair, the overpowering stench of dried chlorine fills the air, mixing together the smells of cooked food and unkept rubbish; she smelt like death. As she looked on in a haggard and wretched state, the sun continued to glare pulsatingly at her, drying her up like an abandoned Sahara. As she looked on weary to the world & the state she was forced to become, her eyes fluttered to close; she wanted to escape from the harshness of reality, she dreamed to be loved, cared and cleaned. Finally she joined her fantasy ideals and rolled off to a deep slumber.

i loved writing it. =)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

i cant stand it.

feminist insights: lets see maybe with the perception that women should be submissive or that women should stay at home as housewifes or that women are less intelligent than men?
- mind you, us women use both sides of our brain, creating rationale and worldly opinions on even the smallest things just so that the world would be a better place.

well, mayb not. Not THAT great.

Humans are all the same.

all these nonsense and my assignments are still sitting there, waiting , just waiting for me.
let them wait i say.

Friday, September 21, 2007

First posting
shall be trusting.

i like to eat
sushi and salmon.
my life is random
just like a beat
in the musical classicals
the temperate highs and lows
creates a spark in me that glows
and that is highly whimsical.
so what is my intention
to go off with this pension
its up to you to mention
when i see you in detention?
alas i have an outlet to question
all my lyrical anger, muse and tension. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this is my first blog,
so i can vent on it
to question

all the interesting arguments and opinions i can muster, not any less a fraction.