Saturday, October 6, 2007

This was one of my in class assignments for HW101

Canteen B

The hot piercing sum penetrates through the tinted high windows of Canteen B.
Flies buzz lethargically in the summer heat, stealthily hunting for scraps of food vastly scattered on the neglected tables. A low disorderly collage of sounds and chattering fill the stale, humid air. The decadent state of the neglected Canteen B screamed for a need to undergo a makeover. Desperate Canteen B wants to be renovated.

As she lay in a state of despair, the overpowering stench of dried chlorine fills the air, mixing together the smells of cooked food and unkept rubbish; she smelt like death. As she looked on in a haggard and wretched state, the sun continued to glare pulsatingly at her, drying her up like an abandoned Sahara. As she looked on weary to the world & the state she was forced to become, her eyes fluttered to close; she wanted to escape from the harshness of reality, she dreamed to be loved, cared and cleaned. Finally she joined her fantasy ideals and rolled off to a deep slumber.

i loved writing it. =)

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