Sunday, June 7, 2009

OMG this is SO FASCINATING, and different
this is a documented version of a religion that is so different
and taboo. However different it is they hold onto it so strongly
and sacredly. Drinking fluids from human skulls. WOA thats extreme but
yet so fascinating at the same time. A very naturalistic recalling Gaia kind of impression, nature and
man momentum. Primitive yet reasonable, interesting that it is still present in today's time.

I cannot imagine what i would do if i belonged to that religion because its so devoted to
its cause, so purposeful with their actions, and the greatest point is that they believe wholeheartedly
in the religious rites that they are doing. Its great to have
a tribe and a religion exclusively cut off from society, or to be in a place where the
faith of the people comes as priority and sincerely as a whole. Rather than like in Spore where
all the religions mingle to what pple call a 'melting pot'. With all other religions breathing
down your neck sometimes. Especially to extremely conscious pple like me.
The only thing i shall agree on the melting pot thing, is that its really
hot and stuffy in here, like a pot of melting metal at boiling point.
Why because some pple are intolerent of others, other pple and their religious culture.
If everyone embraced evry other person's religion, the world would be so much more
of a peaceful place.

-the tree hugger says so.

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