Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I was sorting my photos from the handphone today. The handphone is so flooded with pictures that i could not get some pictures from one of my crazy friends. I was appalled by the gravitude of the immense presence of irrationality seen in most pictures! And i Love it! Omg look at these crazy friends that i have as prove and evidence that my random nature does not seem to be a personal issue but it may actually be a collective thing among the people i hang out with/. and the funny shots tht we took gives me memories nonetheless, every picture has its own set of stories and it was an utter delight to reminise over.
I call out to my friends and thank them for these classic pictures that will be stored for more chances to be exploited of. Some nice shots are also placed here, partly to demonstrate on the fun and happy times. hurrah to their incredulous insanity & gung ho-ism.

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