Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I was sorting my photos from the handphone today. The handphone is so flooded with pictures that i could not get some pictures from one of my crazy friends. I was appalled by the gravitude of the immense presence of irrationality seen in most pictures! And i Love it! Omg look at these crazy friends that i have as prove and evidence that my random nature does not seem to be a personal issue but it may actually be a collective thing among the people i hang out with/. and the funny shots tht we took gives me memories nonetheless, every picture has its own set of stories and it was an utter delight to reminise over.
I call out to my friends and thank them for these classic pictures that will be stored for more chances to be exploited of. Some nice shots are also placed here, partly to demonstrate on the fun and happy times. hurrah to their incredulous insanity & gung ho-ism.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I so want to do something to the blog but i dont know what yet. Prof H says blogging is shallow and i will critically as critically my attention span can provide me with delve into the shallowness of the act of choosing to blog into a space that is not only free but is free for all to see.
How is shallowness defined. Oxfod English Dictionary defines shallowness as:

"Want of depth of character, thought, knowledge, etc.; superficiality. " (OED)

It seems that there is a sense of superficiality reflected towards the act of blogging online. For me i just feel that blogging is a sense of outlet to release our narcissistic self into a page all for ourselves, and indiscriminately a one-sided account of things or feelings in our lives.

And i adore that thought and that power.
The power to control and be the only gatekeeper of your life.
To say things that matter to you without care.
I couldn't care less what the readers of my blog would think about my entries.
Any comments would just be considered as constructive criticism.

Is it superficial to be having a blog then?
To make such an assumption would be to upset the entire idea of individual differences.
We are all different and the content people choose to blog are different. There is no wrong with blogging about your life via pictorial mediums. I love people who put pictures in their blog, the pictures add more colours to the page and it is easily comprehensible as compared to words words big small minute descriptive lyrical.
And i would love to have constructively critical thoughts of the pictures i see. Make me happy by boggling my mind.

Its not superficial to be talking about things that make you happy too right. What is superficiality anyway. IF we were not to enjoy these surface level things then what are we here for?
Politics? Would discussing politics make us anymore in depth? Do you truly think that life is never a surface level of being? All these material pursuits, are all surface forms of our wants.

Get this. LIFE IS ALL about the surface level of pursuit. You want to score well in school, you want to lead a fufilling life by achieving all that you want to strive for. You want to tour the world like there's no tomorrow. Even the idea of tomorrow itself materializes like there is not stopping it as there will be a tomorrow in everyday; until you dematerialize, perhaps die or become a vegetable.

Blogs are just conveniently put up spaces for such tendencies of man to be displayed outrightly.
Because they are so outrightly revealed, and the narcissism of man is so outrightly and compellingly splattered in black font that it becomes regarded as superficial. Come again?

If you still feel that politics and human rights or gender rights are the way to go, then there is really no hope in you.

My relational self tells you one-sidedly.