Tuesday, September 25, 2007

i cant stand it.

feminist insights: lets see maybe with the perception that women should be submissive or that women should stay at home as housewifes or that women are less intelligent than men?
- mind you, us women use both sides of our brain, creating rationale and worldly opinions on even the smallest things just so that the world would be a better place.

well, mayb not. Not THAT great.

Humans are all the same.

all these nonsense and my assignments are still sitting there, waiting , just waiting for me.
let them wait i say.

Friday, September 21, 2007

First posting
shall be trusting.

i like to eat
sushi and salmon.
my life is random
just like a beat
in the musical classicals
the temperate highs and lows
creates a spark in me that glows
and that is highly whimsical.
so what is my intention
to go off with this pension
its up to you to mention
when i see you in detention?
alas i have an outlet to question
all my lyrical anger, muse and tension. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this is my first blog,
so i can vent on it
to question

all the interesting arguments and opinions i can muster, not any less a fraction.